Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Work At Present

 Raku crackle tester

 Was going to use this glaze initially but when I tested in on the form, it seemed to white and almost domestic.

  Decided to us this glaze because of the varied color and how it resembles an aged bone, which was exactly what I was looking for.

 Fired this tester with seeds in the clay, but was to fragile and brittle.

Emily Duke

  •  " highlights vernacular architecture in combination with nature to create multi-component topographies".
  •   "latest series of ceramic sculpture are a convergence of imagined forms and fabricated sequences".
  •  "Using slab-built terra cotta clay, Duke assembles partners bound together through tension and weight".
  •  "Her conceptual practice investigates physical structure, color and texture sought out in construction sites, agricultural buildings, bridges, and manufacturing complexes".

On first looking at this artist, Steve straight away come to mind. His work is quite similar in the sense of his use of the same clay body and how he built his current work as a "physical structure" and by assembling his bricks create a new form.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Merrie Wright

  •  The work explores wildlife’s relationship to contemporary ideas of landscape through ceramic sculpture and installation.
  •  This work is a continued exploration of ideas related to camouflage, including both natural
    phenomena like crypsis and mimicry,and man-made versions such as camouflage used in
  •  My work explores the ability for camouflaged surfaces to transform our perception of
    time, space and reality, addresses the idea of facade and the many ways we present ourselves.

 I think Hubert would find this artist very appealing as he is constantly creating animals forms. I also feel as though he would like this aspect of camouflage aswel as Steve.

Jenchi Wu

  •  continuing examination into how manipulation, physical force, spacial relationships, environment, gravity, and nature affect my work.
  •  ongoing exploration into the perception of ceramics as functional objects, coupled with the divergence of ideas of the traditional and contemporary aspects of clay.

 I think Gillian's work is similar to Wu's and I believe that Gillian would really be interested in her forms. Also from reading Wu's statement I find that their ideas of mixing functional and contemporary aspects in each others work.